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Daniel Berquist, DDSJoseph Ornelas, DDS

Why You Should See Your Dentist Before Your Summer Vacation

April 30, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — regiondentalcare @ 2:37 am

Smiling woman sitting outdoorsYour kids are out of school for the summer, and you have some vacation days saved, which means it’s the perfect time to pack up the family to head out of town. While you finalize your travel plans, don’t forget to schedule a dental appointment before you leave. 1 in 6 Americans will experience a dental emergency every year. Although there’s never a good time for one to happen, if you have an oral health emergency while you’re traveling, it can quickly ruin your vacation. Here’s how a quick trip to your dentist before you leave can lessen your risk of a dental emergency while you’re away.

Avoid Dental Emergencies While Traveling

Contrary to common belief, not all dental emergencies are caused by injuries or accidents. Many are caused by untreated dental problems, like cavities. A small issue can turn into a big problem with no treatment. 

Visiting your dentist for a cleaning and checkup before your vacation will ensure your mouth is healthy before your departure. Your dentist will look for anything concerning, like enamel loss or gum inflammation, to lessen the likeliness of a dental emergency.

Protect Your Smile From Dental Emergencies

Although a cleaning and checkup can help you avoid dental emergencies, accidents can happen with no warning. Here are a few ways you can safeguard your smile during your vacation:

  • Follow Your Oral Hygiene Routine: It’s easy to get out of your daily routines when you’re not at home. However, commit to brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing every night. Create an oral hygiene kit with travel-size products to make it easy to brush and floss while on the go. Don’t forget to pack any cleaning products for oral appliances.
  • Watch What You Eat: It’s best to avoid hard, crunchy, and chewy foods because they can damage your teeth and restorations. While you’re sure to indulge in a few sweet treats while you’re gone, limit your consumption of sugars and starches to prevent tooth decay.
  • Protect Your Smile: If you plan to participate in any activities that may result in an accident, wear an athletic mouthguard. It will provide a protective barrier to protect your mouth and jaw in case of an injury.
  • Stop Bad Dental Habits: It’s best to stop any habits that may damage your teeth, like chewing on your fingernails. Don’t use your teeth to rip open food packages or loosen bottle lids.

If the unexpected should happen, don’t wait until you get back home to see a dentist. Find an emergency dentist near you to have the problem addressed, so you can enjoy the rest of your vacation.

About Dr. Daniel Berquist

Dr. Berquist earned his dental degree at Indiana University’s Dental School. He strives to build long-term relationships with his patients to support their oral health and general wellness using the latest solutions in dentistry. Request an appointment through his website or call his office at (219) 379-3473.

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