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Daniel Berquist, DDSJoseph Ornelas, DDS

What is Dental Anxiety & Phobia?

June 7, 2018

Scared man in dental chair with dentist and team members above himDental anxiety or phobia is a condition that makes just visiting a dental office extremely stressful. Many patients experience some mild phobia or anxiety leading up to an office visit, but those with moderate to severe anxiety or phobia may not even be able to visit the dentist at all. In fact, 30 to 40 million adults in the US suffer from some dental anxiety that prevents them from regularly visiting the dentist. If this sounds like something you can relate to, finding the right dentist is key to your comfort. A safe, friendly atmosphere is essential, and you may even want to ask about dental sedation options.

I Have a lot of Oral Health Concerns – Can I Get Dental Implants?

April 11, 2018

Man in dental chair talking to dentistPatients with healthy smiles are not usually the ones who need to replace missing teeth. If you’re struggling with a number of oral health concerns that lead to the loss of one or more teeth, you need to replace this lost tooth structure to ensure optimal oral health and function. Often, the best tooth replacement option is to use dental implants to support replacement teeth. Patients with poor oral health may not be the ideal candidates for this tooth replacement option, but thanks to advances in implant placement materials and methods, we can work with patients to improve oral health and replace missing teeth with dental implants.

4 Things You Need to Know About Replacing Missing Back Teeth

November 19, 2017

woman at the dentist officeTake a look at your smile in the mirror. You can’t see your back teeth, so they may not seem that important. Now, take a bite of something chewy. Suddenly, the fact that your back teeth are out of sight doesn’t mean they’re out of mind. Even if you can’t see your back teeth, they are important in maintaining your smile’s healthy function. Many patients who lose one or more back teeth think they don’t need to replace them because they can’t be seen, but replacing any missing tooth is essential to keep your smile whole and healthy. Dental implants, fixed bridges, and dentures are all tooth replacement options to repair your smile following tooth loss.

How To Handle A Broken Tooth from You Dentist in 46350

July 17, 2017

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See your dentist in 46350 in case of a broken tooth. Considering the job that teeth perform day-in and day-out, they really are remarkably strong. However, this does not mean that they are impervious to damage, including fractures and breaks. When this happens, you need dental care from your dentist in 46350. Read on to learn more about what Dr. Daniel Berquist or Dr. Joseph Ornelas recommend you do in case of a broken or cracked tooth as well as the treatments they offer.
